Tuesday, October 6, 2015

You are not alone.

I really do not know who reads this blog, but I know there are people from many parts of the world.  I don't know who you are or where you live, but I want you to know that you are not alone.  We who work with children are a much larger group than perhaps you even realize.  This week I want to encourage you to connect with at least one other children's worker near you.  Go for coffee, send a text, or maybe chat over a walk in a park.  It doesn't really matter what you do, but take the time to connect.  We are an easily isolated group, but isolation isn't good, so branch out.  Check with your denomination.  Are there any conferences or workshops you can attend this year that will connect you with other Children's Pastors/Directors/Volunteers from your denomination? Or perhaps a non-denominational conference will be in your area soon. Check it out if you can.

What brings this to my mind?  Well, this week I am in Lenexa, Kansas attending the IGNITE Conference which is the only national Children's Leadership Convention for the Church of the Nazarene (my denomination).  Being here reminds me of how important being able to connect with other like minded children's workers is.  This week will be filled with workshops, church services, and fun times that will help us with our respective ministries.  However, for me, the most impactful time at conferences like these are the times that are unscheduled.  When we just get to chat, connect, laugh, and encourage one another.  I enjoy the worship services and the workshops, but sometimes what I long for is simply the chance to connect with other Children's Pastors.  It refreshes my soul and touches my heart in ways nothing else really can.

But here is why I bring this up.  I generally don't realize how much I needed to connect with other Children's Pastors until I get to a conference like this one.  And when I arrive, it hits me how isolated I have been.  Isolation is not good. But it is something that we can easily fall into.  So my advice to you is to be intentional about connecting.  You will be amazed how much it can change your ministry and nourish your soul.

Until next week!

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